
What Should You Consider Before Buy A Smartphone

Are you ready to upgrade your JIAYU G4 Smartphone? Are you caught up in the never ending treadmill of upgrading your cell phone every 2 years or even sooner? Are you addicted to having the latest and greatest tech gadget? Whenever a new Smartphone is introduced, we are encouraged by our cell phone service providers to grab our wallets and sign the new contract. And then what do you do with your old phone? Are responsible at recycling? Or perhaps you donate your old cell phone to a charitable organization that provides cell phones to soldiers or those less fortunate than you. But stop and think, in our ever-changing technological world, the latest gadget is not necessarily the best thing for you or for our environment.

Are you upgrading your cell phone instead of replacing the tired battery? You can extend the life of your cell phone by merely replacing the original battery. You can get original equipment manufacturer cell phone batteries plus chargers for most of the newer smartphones, but many of the older phones only have generic or aftermarket batteries available.

As the time went by, mobile phone producers have not been kind to customers when it comes to screen robustness. Your jiayu g2 mobile phone fell down and the screen broke? Your fault. You want to repair it? Pay almost as much as the phone itself.

This means you should protect your phone, especially from falls. Too many people have their screen shattered and can’t afford to pay for the repair. Or to buy a new phone and don’t know how to repair the screen themselves. Use screen protectors and a case or cover and be careful with your phone, especially if you have children around you. If you want to get the best Jiayu g3 smartphone, please take these into attention.

