
What's A Smartphone

You probably hear the term “ smart phone” tossed around a lot. But if you've ever wondered exactly what a smartphone different than a cell phone, and what makes it so smart? Just use the iOcean X7 Elite for example, and know what's a smartphone.

Basics of a smartphone
In a nutshell, a smartphone is a device that lets you ,ake telephone calls, but also adds in features that, in the past, you would have found only a personal digital assistant or a computer---such as the ability to send and receive e-mail and edit office documents, for example. While there is no standard definition of the term “smartphone” across the industry, we thought it would be helpful to point out what we here at Banggood.com as a smartphone, and what we consider a cell phone.

Difference between a smartphone and cellphone

Operating system
In general, a smartphone will be based on an operating system that allows it to run applications. Iocean X7 Elite runs android 4.2 OS, Apple's iphone runs iOS, for example.

While almost all cell phones include some sort of software ( even the most basic models these days include an address book or some sort of contact manager, for example), a smartphone will have the ability to do more. It may allow you to create and edit Microsoft office documents, or at least view the files. It may allow you to download apps.

Web Access
More smartphones can access the web at higher speeds, thanks to the growth of 4G and 3G data networks, as well as the addition of Wi-Fi support to many handsets. Still, while not all smartphones offer high-speed web access, they all offer some sort of access. You can use your smartphone to browse your favorite sites.

These are some of the features that make a THL W9 Android Phone. The technology surrounding smartphones and cell phones is constantly changing, though. What constitutes a smartphone today may change by next week, next month, or next year.

